Friday, August 04, 2006

I Suppose...

I'll start updating this again now that I'm pregnant again.

That's right. I'm pregnant. Again.

How did this happen, you ask? Well, being the good Catholics that we are, we tried the whole NFP thing. It's kind of hard to do when you haven't had a cycle since you gave birth to a baby 5 months ago though. So we did the best we could. Apparently, it was in the cards for us to have another baby right now, so here we are.

Jacob is getting big. He's learning to sit and can roll over both ways. He's scooting on his belly both forwards and backwards too. Not too shabby for a 5.5 month old.

Austin just finished up his baseball season. He made the all-star team for the second year in a row. He got into a little bit of a hitting slump, but seems to be doing better. He's found his niche at 1st base. Now it's football season...

Ryan played soccer in the spring and scored two goals. We were pretty proud of him considering he was the smallest kid on his team. He's already telling people that he's not playing t-ball next year because he's too good. He has a point. We took him to the batting cages and he hit about 10-12 balls in the slow pitch baseball cage. The balls still go 40-45 mph which is faster than the machine pitch that is used for Austin's league. He can hit like it's nobody's business. Plus, he has a great arm and can catch. He's 4...

Jason and I are doing good. We're adjusting to having 3 kids, but so far, it's been pretty easy. We went to the new Ikea store in Canton and decided that it is our new favorite store. We had so much fun there that we went back the next day with the boys and bought them new beds and accessories. Who knew that a twin sized loft bed, a full sized loft bed, a twin sized mattress, two comforters, a bunch of other accessories, etc. would fit in the back of the van when all 3 kids were back there. You have to love the efficient way they package things. The only drawback is that you have to put the stuff together yourself and they provide you with cheap screws.

We'll, I've updated.


jkhenson said...

ok, now update Jacob's site: I haven't had any photos since April. :)

jkhenson said...

Jen says to update ;)